Frequently Asked Question

Mac - Add an MS 365 / Exchange Shared mailbox to Outlook for Mac
Last Updated 3 years ago

Note: Delegated access permission must be granted to the shared mailbox beforehand.

  1. In Outlook, click the Tools menu and then click Accounts...
  2. Click Advanced...
  3. In the next window, go to Delegates and click the + button
  4. Search by Name of the mailbox you wish to add to Outlook, select it, and then click Add

    Search and Add
  5. Click OK

  6. Close the Accounts window.
  7. The shared mailbox will now automatically display in your in Outlook.

    Mounted Shared Mailbox

In older versions of Outlook for Mac:

  1. Open Outlook for Mac.
  2. Select File.
  3. Select Open.
  4. Select Other User's Folder.

  5. Select Inbox from the folder type drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the Title of your shared folder in the search box.
  7. Select your Shared Mailbox from the list.
  8. Select Open.

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